Looking back at 2016 – Iiris’ edition

Thoughts from the annual company development weeks in US Dec 2016 – Jan 2017

Best of 2016

Working with stunt teams I loved

This year I’ve been more inspired than ever with stunt teams. Though I’ve never met stunt people I didn’t like this has definitely been a year to embrace the bond between AD’s and stunts. Eliza, Reka, Ian, Jouni, Marek, Enar – you’ve all been my best friends on the set. Thank you.

Challenging my set English

Though working in English has been a daily task for the last five years I knowingly updated my set language to the next level through this year. Basic production service duty feels a lot better when having a wider dictionary available. I bet I’m gonna double it in 2017.

Not letting go of my professionality even when working with things I didn’t love

As we all face unknown and unpredictable situations while working I’m very thankful to myself I didn’t give up or loose my temper even once at the set. Staying humble, patient and having some grace in the middle of as absurd situations as anyone in the industry can think of has definitely needed some biting the bullet every now and then… and made me very satisfied in the end.


Though I got to work with Aino for the first time already in the summer of 2015 she truly became my protege pretty much exactly a year ago. After 7 intensive months of productions she got into Metropolia School of Applied Sciences to study Film and TV Production. I couldn’t be more proud (and jealous to the school who gets to keep her for the next years)!

What I’m looking forward in 2017

Features. As in 2016 I mainly ran commercial sets I couldn’t be more thrilled to start organising the next longer shoot which will hopefully be sooner than later (at the moment calls are accepted, producers).

Mentoring. I’d love to find a young padawan who’d love AD’ing as much as I do and who would share the next adventures with me.

Developing and focusing Blockbusters Gang operations better. With accomplishments comes possibilities. We hope to take the chances and make the business run solid and happy.

With all the best wishes to your 2017,


1st Assistant Director / COO, Head of Production


Twitter: iirisjuu Tumbl: @iirisjuutilainen Instagram: iirisjuutilainen