Just over 6 months have passed since our last gang update and let us just say – a lot has happened. To be honest, 2016 was a better and bigger year for us than we would have even dared to imagine. We worked on a huge range of different and interesting productions, we spread our wings to the US – our gang learned to work with each other even stronger.

As things evolved, the logical happened: some of us found other ways working in the industry. Lida and Iiris K. are now fully in the radio side of the media and Sandra is a permanent employee at Art Films Productions. As there was less and less work they could get their hands on with us, we decided to let them run towards their own challenges. Thank you for this time with us girls! You’ve been absolutely brilliant!

Well, as our workload is growing all the time, it was absolutely impossible not to fill this gap in our crew. Luckily, we already had some people in mind; let us introduce you three new additions to our PRODUCTION STAFF!

Jaana Hiltunen is graduating from JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Bachelor of Culture and Arts. As BBG is constantly looking for new people to join forces with we remembered to take a look back as well – who’d be a better addition to our crew than someone we’ve known for a while. After having Jaana assisting us in multiple ‘Uneton48′ – 48h Short Film Challenges and campaigns, we’re happy to have her as a part of our permanent team.

“I am an experienced production assistant and with me you’ll get things organised and a warm-hearted workmate.“ – Jaana

This spring brought us two completely new friends too – Vilma Juhava and Aija Ronkainen, both Film and TV students. Vilma is wrapping up her second year at TAMK University of Applied Sciences and looking forward to all the assisting positions in upcoming productions. After we spent a couple of weeks working on a film demo with her in February, we didn’t want to let her go!

“I enjoy challenges and uncomfortable circumstances – something I developed love for, in girl scouts, when I was younger.” – Vilma

Aija on the other side, is studying at Metropolia University Of Applied Sciences and has bumped into us on multiple short projects. Her attitude was too good to waste so we immediately asked her to join us. 

“After a long time of searching, I finally found myself in the field of work I love. From working in the service industry, I have gained transferable skills that enable me to work to my full potential in both film and TV.” – Aija

So happy to have them on board!
