We constantly seek for good advice on how to operate in more eco-friendly and socially responsible way – and normally this means endless browsing from website to another. The more facts, statistics and good practices we know, the better we understand why we should make better choices, and the easier the transformation is.
To make the search a bit easier for you, we have gathered a list of websites from where you can find more information on the subject. We’ve picked websites that focus especially on the film and TV industry, and that offer interesting insights on our field of work.
We hope you find these following websites and articles interesting and maybe even get inspired by them – at least we’ve got a lot of new ideas!

Websites to read in Finnish:
Ekosetti – a guidebook to sustainable film production in Finland. It contains practical points on how to make domestic productions more environmentally friendly, and its goal is to inspire the industry to adopt a greener production culture. The guide provides concrete tips for the work on many different departments.
Opas ekotukitoimintaan – is a guide from which we’ve taken many of our concrete guidelines for the daily office life. Here you can find different ways to reduce energy consumption or minimize waste. Check out the recycling tips on the last pages or learn how waste can be recovered.
Websites to read in English:
Film Lapland code of conduct & production guide – is a guide to filming in Finnish Lapland. It provides good practices and guidelines for both international and domestic productions. The guide covers themes from culture to various regulations and ecological ways of working in the beautiful North with respect for nature.
The Green Production Guide – is an industry online toolkit designed to reduce the film, television, and streaming industry’s carbon footprint and environmental impact. This site features a worldwide database of vendors that provide sustainable goods and services. The website also offers tools and resources to help implement a sustainable plan for any size or kind of production.
Eco-Friendly Practices in The Film Industry – the article describes the sustainability activities of the world’s largest companies in various film projects. Many film productions take nature around the filming locations into account, as well as bear their social responsibility by taking care of the people and communities in the area. Take a look at the behind-the-scenes video from Spider Man 2 embedded in the article and also here below – it shows how sustainability was taken into account in the production and how the crew was involved in the actions!
Earth Angel – the company behind Spider Man 2′s eco strategy and execution (see the video above), offers consulting, training and qualified staff to help productions to create eco-friendly sets. Earth Angel HQ is in NYC and they offer services around the globe. We also highly recommend you to check out their Instagram account @earthangelsets where you can find a lot of eco tips and some numbers and data on how their ideas have worked in practice – super interesting!
Green Film Shooting – On this website you’ll find news and events related to the sustainability of the European film and television industry. You can read through the responsibility guides for different countries and browse the news by category.
Green FilmMaking– a Dutch website that offers inspiring initiatives, news and ideas related to sustainable production from the Netherlands, as well as around the world. Take a look at the toolkit for eco-friendly tips on Covid19 related hygiene in the set, or read the blog for ideas on implementing more sustainable set design.
That’s all for now! We’d be happy to hear what website or social media accounts you follow to get inspiration and motivation to work towards a more sustainable lifestyle – feel free to share us your favourite ones!
And last but not least, if you want to take a look at our own office’s green guidelines, check them out here: https://blockbustersgang.com/files/2021/BBG_ymparistovastuullisuuden_linjaukset.pdf
This post is part of BBG’s ”Focus on the environment” campaign in Feb 2021.